Horarium of the Norbertine Canonesses

St. Norbert advised his sons and daughters that without a day order (horarium), a rule, and the institutes of the Holy Fathers, the evangelical and apostolic way of life which we have vowed to live could not be completely observed (See Vita Norberti B, XXIV 50). Our daily schedule revolves around the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy, which is the source of our apostolic way of life and the summit in which all the activities of our day find their ultimate meaning. Click on an item to learn more about the works of our day.

12:00 am Matins (Office of Readings)Bell

5:10 am Rise and Breakfast

6:00 am Lauds (Morning Prayer) followed by the Angelus

6:35 am Lectio Divina

7:40 am Terce (Mid-Morning Prayer)

8:00 am The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

9:15 am Chapter

10:00 am Classes/Study/Work

11:40 am Sext (Midday Prayer), Angelus, and Rosary followed by Dinner

1:05 pm None (Mid-afternoon Prayer)

1:30 pm Solemn Silence

2:30 pm Work

5:00 pm Vespers (Evening Prayer ) and Angelus

5:30 pm Recreation

6:15 pm Supper

7:15 pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

(8:00 pm Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament)

8:00 pm Compline (Night Prayer)

9:00 pm Lights Out and Grand Silence

As our schedule may change without notice, you are welcome to contact us in advance to confirm our Mass times and other times of prayer.